Vaginal Dryness
FemTouch Vaginal Laser treatment helps to increase vaginal lubrication, without the use of hormones. This is especially useful for women who cannot take hormonal supplements, such as women who have had past history of specific types of gynaecological cancers.
Studies report that 1 in 3 women are troubled by vaginal dryness, but many women do not seek treatment.
Urinary Leakage
FemTouch Vaginal CO2 Laser may be useful for women with mild urinary stress incontinence.
Urinary stress incontinence is not uncommon after menopause, but can also affect many young women especially after childbirth.
Vaginal Laxity
FemTouch Vaginal Laser treatment may be useful for women with mild vaginal prolapse and laxity. It can be used as an adjunct to conservative management of vaginal prolapse, together with physiotherapy and pelvic floor exercises.